Welcome to the Australian Birdwatching website which introduces you to a variety of accommodation, guides and bird and wildlife related activities and resources available throughout the country.
We have 5 main headings (Accommodation, Guides, Activities, Information and Resources) which all breakup into their respective states.
Each entry shows the businesses contact details so that you can book direct or ask any questions you may have.
Australia offers the birder:
- over 800 species on the mainland and nearby islands of which nearly half are endemic with several endemic families.
- 60 species of cockatoos & parrots
- 11 species of Bowerbirds (Tooth-billed Bowerbird, Golden Bowerbird, Regent Bowerbird, Satin Bowerbird, Spotted Bowerbird, Western Bowerbird, Great Bowerbird, Fawn-breasted Bowerbird, Spotted Catbird, Black-eared Catbird & Green Catbird)
- 4 Birds of Paradise ~ Victoria’s Riflebird, Magnificent Riflebird, Paradise Riflebird & Trumpet Manucode
- Relics from Gondwana ~ Albert’s Lyrebird, Superb Lyrebird, Noisy Scrub-bird & Rufous Scrub-bird
- Migrants from New Guinea ~ Many (eg: Buff-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher) “winter” in New Guinea and northern islands and return to the Australian mainland to breed.
- The Megapodes ~ Australian Brush-turkey, Malleefowl and Orange-footed Scrubfowl.
- The ratites ~ Emu and Southern Cassowary.
- Important “wintering” grounds for about 30 species of Asiatic shorebirds (waders) which migrate thousands of kilometres southward to escape the harsh northern winter.
- A wealth of seabirds ~ in winter, species which breed in the Subantarctic and Antarctic move north into Australian waters
- Specialist rainforest species ~ some (e.g. Magnificent Riflebird and Palm Cockatoo) are shared with New Guinea.
This vast country has numerous offshore islands and offers a huge variety of habitats from the tropical forests of the north to the deserts of the west coast and interior and the temperate rainforest of the far south. It offers stunning, empty landscapes, bustling multicultural cities and a friendly welcome.
It has some pretty cool animals as well.
Get ready for a great holiday…